Created by Marion 20 days ago

Joy and I have been friends as babies, toddlers, Sunday School peers, Junior Choir, Teenagers and throughout our life’s.  As besties (before we entered the double figures of age) Joy would always organise what we would wear when we sang in the Junior choir; and I had to follow her lead because she always had it planned out before I could say anything. That loving, caring, supportive and nurturing nature blossomed into this beautiful person, who has blessed, touched and given to those whom she came into contact with, nothing but Love.  There was no discrimination in her presentation, example and execution of Love.
Truly, Joy has lived, has given and shared her definition of Love, as Jesus taught us, to love God, your neighbour and yourself (Matthew 22:39).   She was a great demonstration of not only thinking and saying words of Love, Joy was always willing to present and show her understanding of love.  Her spirituality, personality and actions displayed love, which had been nurtured by our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the actions of the Holy Spirit.
We have all been touched by Joy in some shape or form in the name of Love.   RIEP Joy, you will be greatly missed.

Love you always from Marion Eccleston xxx